Afraid of Falling

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 08 Desember 2011 0 komentar

Have you ever been so afraid to step out in case you fall? You're not alone. But you're definitely not better off in that little comfort hole, because you're more vulnerable there than anywhere else. The only way not to fall, is to keep going forward, is to face the world head-on.

This wallpaper comes from my heart, to yours. Because sometimes, we all need a little confirmation, a little push to tell us where to go, what to do, and that we can do it. This is that little push, and it will always be there to back you up and join you on that journey into the unknown.

It's your turn. Will you take the first step?

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Live and Explore!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 23 November 2011 0 komentar

In april 2011 we were invited by a crew of UK based journalists (Redwood Group), from the Volvo's LIV magazine, to partecipate in theyr "European Art Movement" project. The basic idea was a trip trough Europe on their Volvo XC60 with three stops, one for every selected artist. The stops were Bornholm in Denmark (Anne Sofie Meldgaard), Leipzig in Germany (Metulczki) and Lugano in Switzerland (us). We had to choose a place to realize a work and we decided to do that on the top of the "Balestra" Carpark in the center of Lugano. 

The work we realized represents a kind of exploration: the astronaut is a person who visits places that few humans can see, looking at things with wonder and, of course, for the first time; he discover them. The car instead explores the inside, lives the place in detail; it knows it and it's part of it. The article and the interview are published on issue n°2 - 2011 of LIV magazine and also as video documentary on Volvo's website. 

You can see the artwork by CLICKING HERE, the video interview by CLICKING HERE and you can read the article HERE.

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"Definition" Alternative (Encouragement)

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 15 November 2011 0 komentar
Further define yourself with the ever-so-elegant alternative to "Definition" (last post).

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Definition Wallpaper

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 14 November 2011 0 komentar

Woah! Two wallpapers in one day? What was I thinking? Of the sweet people who're reading this, of course. This wallpaper, aptly named "Definition", was one originally considered in the "Live Free" collection, but eventually given its own little category.

We all know we define how others look at us. This is a universal truth compressed into one little picture, with the power to impact millions. WOW.

All new typography and the minimalistic qualities of zero-graphics make it perfect for giving the cluttered desktop an organized look.

This is also one of the first wallpapers I've made in white (did ya notice?). The colours seem to blend perfectly, and the noise behind the words add to the modernistic aspect of the wallpaper.

Please comment below and give me your opinions! I'd love to create more stuff my supporters enjoy.

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Warzone - The Wanted

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar

Another wallpaper for all fans of The Wanted. This one features both drawn and Keynote elements, and has a somewhat dark theme to it. This gives cream (the colour) a whole new face.

It's not like anything I've ever tried before, and there were a lot of words to fit into one little page, but I think I did okay. Give me your opinion below! Thanks!

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Goodbye Donuts!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 13 November 2011 0 komentar

It's out now on iTunes Store, the latest album of the japanese band Icon Girl Pistols, for which we made the cover art and we created a new band logo: "Goodbye Donuts (Hey, statue of Liberty)".

We were contacted by the Icon Girl Pistols after using one of their songs for our art-video "Lack of ispiratione" (made with Andrea Todaro). They gave us 100% of freedom and we created something that in our minds could fit with their music. 
The big mechanical creature spread with pink paint a heap-dump-city district floating on the water; he's probably dancing and making a lot of noise while a new life arrives everywhere around him.

Take a better look of the album cover on our website.

You can listen and buy the album on iTunes store, and visit the band's website. We also have a wallpapers set here in the downloads page.

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Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 01 November 2011 0 komentar
One of my greatest works ever was the All-time Low wallpaper back in July.

Coming very soon, the newest installments of My Wallpaper Life's supplies will blow you away.

Look out, world. It's coming soon.

Check back to see what we've been doing. You don't want to miss it.

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Paint Club Switzerland Video!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011 0 komentar

On 2nd september 2011, we partecipated in the "Paint Club" Swiss competition at the "Rok" club in Luzern (CH), which consisted in an "art battle" between three teams of artists (2 artists in every team). With a subject decided just before the start ("BlockParty"), we had ninety minutes to create a painting (improvising) using acrylics and markers.
In the end, two judges and the audience chose our painting as the winner, and then we got the opportunity to participate in the European finals of the "Paint Club" in Berlin, that will probably be in 2012.

By clicking HERE you can see a short video about the performance.

The video is filmed by Andrea Todaro ( and edited by us.  The song is "Traffic Cars" by Professor Kliq ( ), and here you can find more details about the PAINT CLUB (

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Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 24 Oktober 2011 0 komentar
I think you guys are going to like this one. It's based on a popular quote used for lots of things in life. Personally, I really enjoyed making it, and I hope you enjoy using it as much as I do.

Lemonade (With Quote)


Note: You might (or might not) have noticed that I re-uploaded these wallpapers. If you got them before 24 Oct 2011 10.50pm GMT +8.00, you might want to re-download them, reason being I have modified them, specifically added outlines to the lemons and the glass. If you liked them better before, however, then well... have fun, I guess.

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The Last Tea T-Shirt!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011 0 komentar

Our new t-shirt design is now on Threadless, and for the next 7 days it will be there to be voted,  shared and commented. If it will reach enough votes and if the Threadless team will like it, our design will be printed as t-shirt and sold from Threadless (and we will win a prize too!).

"The Last Tea" is a vintage, black-humorous, elegant and sweet-flavoured design. Printed in 2 colors (on many possible t-shirt background colors), it will immediately refresh you and the atmosphere around you (or it will probably cool it… :-P).

Look at it HERE and if you like it, please vote it, share it, comment it, and check the "as Tee" box on the top right.  :-) Thank you so much!!

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Unlucky Munnies Series!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 22 September 2011 0 komentar

The "Unlucky Munnies" is our new series of 4" munny customs (Kidrobot). Two of them were already part of the first projects for the Munnyworld Megacontest 2011, but due to time constraints we decided to make only the "Vampirized". Given its success (awarded "Best Minimalist Design"), we decided to make the remaining two and expand the series with other new ideas.

So the series "Unlucky Munnies. In the wrong place, at the wrong time" is mainly made on 6 Munnies (Kidrobot) and then accompanied by other characters of the same group (Trikky, Bub, Foomi).
These unfortunate DIY toys have found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, and therefore were "Vampirized", "Werewolfed", "Zombified", "Facehugged", "Assimilated" and choose the "Dark Side" of the Force.

The "Vampirized" is a twin of the winner one, maybe bitten during the night by the same vampire too. The "Werewolfed" was infected by the scratch of a werewolf (this happens when you leave a Munny unattended on the window sill). "Zombified" is a living corpse of a Munny, gradually decaying and hungry for Munny-flesh. "Facehugged", "Assimilated" and "Dark Side" were Space travellers, but also in deep Space you can be really unfortunate: so the first one was attacked by an Alien's facehugger, the second one met the Borgs and the third one was too angry and scared and a Sith probably persuaded him.

You can see more about the "Unlucky Munnies" HERE.

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Sweet Stripes

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
Here's a new wallpaper I made while I was bored. Based it off some colour schemes I really liked, so I hope you like it too... Planning to make some other colour schemes as well, but I haven't done a striped wallpaper in so long that I just had to get things started again.

The original name for this wallpaper was "Vanilla Chocolate". Which one sounds better? I like the old one more, as it fully expresses the thick, creamy and sweet wallpaper aesthetics, or at least I imagine it that way. But the new one may help people navigate here more easily. :1

Sweet Stripes (Vanilla Chocolate)

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Smart Painting Video!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 19 September 2011 0 komentar

During this summer we had a lot of different things to do, and this is just one of them! During an event in june we were asked to create a painting on a "Smart" car in 2-3 hours. So now we edited a a short video, filmed by us and Andrea Todaro, which shows our performance. 

You can see the video HERE.

The song we used is "Built to Last" by Fall Walk Run.

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Cupcakes and Coffee

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 11 September 2011 0 komentar
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted up something new in a month, so here's two to make up for that. I've recently discovered a way to transfer my drawings onto my computer and colour them (a little too late, I know, but I'm just too lazy to use a scanner every time I want a picture in my computer), so I made some graphics and turned them into a nifty little wallpaper. 

I'm sorry for the quality, I'll get better as time goes by. I've included one with words and one without, so use them to your preference. 

As always, thank you for your support and your time. I hope to see you soon!

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Making of The Daughter of the Sea!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011 0 komentar

We finally made the making of video of the sculpture we realized for Costa Cruise's ship "Costa Favolosa", inaugurated in july 2011. 
"The Daughter of the Sea" is based on the theme "Ondine", the water nymph from the mythology. The sculpture, a little bit different from our usual style, was realized with different media, both for the shell and for the girl, and then casted in bronze and refined at the artistic foundry "Rimart" in Senago (MI, Italy).
For the video we used pictures and videos from many different cameras, mobile phones and so on. The song is "At the Mall" by Emerald Park.

You can watch the video HERE (available on Vimeo and Youtube).

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Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Most children have, in their lives, a point of time when they feel neglected. This is a wallpaper to remind each and every one of us that no matter how hard we might work or how much we have to do, we have to set aside time for our loved ones. 

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The Wanted – All Time Low (Wallpaper)

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Let's face it — in this day and age, music impacts our lives a great deal. Which is why music-inspired wallpapers are being specially designed for you! 

Personally, I'm a big fan of The Wanted, and I felt that their song "All-time Low" really struck a chord with me. Sometimes, it just seems that there's no one in the world that cares, when you need it most. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way, so if you're at your all-time low, this wallpaper will express your feelings.

Neither the lyrics nor the song are owned by me; they are owned by The Wanted and their label. Copyright infringement not intended.

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Lack of inspiratione

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 19 Juli 2011 0 komentar

This is a strange summer here in Switzerland, it's raining too much. If it should never stop, how could we continue create as we use to do? :-P

"Lack of inspiratione" is an underwater video by Andrea Todaro and us. With Nevercrew (Christian Rebecchi & Pablo Togni), Andrea Todaro and Jivka Nacevska. The song is "Structure of a Revolution" by Icon Girl Pistols.

To watch the video, click here.

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New website!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 14 Juli 2011 0 komentar

It's finally ready and online our new website!
We decided to create a new one for many reasons: sometimes we like to change, we desired to show more and to communicate more, the old one was funny and stylish but not enough user-friendly and easy to update.

In our new website now we have 4 sections: Paintings, with our walls, murals, graffiti, canvases, and more; Designs, with graphics, objects and our series of "spaces"; Art toys, with our own production toys, our customs and our "Hangselm"paper-toy; Video, with our videos, making of of our artworks and video about us. There are also more informations about us (About us, Contacts),a  store, and the MBox (memories box), where we show random picture about us, our past, our works, and so on.

Moreover, we added descriptions and related links for every work, more connections with the social networks (to share our work or follow us, if interested) and we also changed the style of this blog (as you can see).

In our website, we made the graphical, artistic and conceptual part, but the entire structure was programmed by Igor Kovacevic (, a professional programmer and developer of websites, blogs, mobile applications, templates, and so on.

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When You See = I Love U. Not. (Update)

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 16 Juni 2011 0 komentar

The When You See series is now "I <3 U. Not."!

This wallpaper is for those who've gone through bad friendships and just can't take it anymore. There are a lot of people out there who have had bad experiences, and this is for you!

Sorry for not uploading more wallpapers recently, my wallpapers are very much emotionally-orientated and it takes time to erm... compel emotion...? I have a cupboard full of lame excuses about why I haven't been making as many wallpapers as I would love to. Please forgive me. I hope you enjoy this though, and don't forget to rate, comment and subscribe!

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Best Minimalist Design category winners!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 06 Juni 2011 0 komentar

The 31th of may Kidrobot and its judges published the results of the Munnyword Megacontest 2011, and we're glad to announce that our "Vampirized" Munny won in the "Best Minimalist Design" category. In addition, also other two of our customs reached a bit of glory: 2nd place in the "Best Animal Design" category for "Apartment Bat" and 3rd place in the "Most Innovative" category for the "Living City" Munny. Our biggest compliments to the brazilian artist Sergio Mancini for the Best in Show prize.

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Munnyworld Megacontest Customs!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 04 Mei 2011 0 komentar

At the end of april we completed our seven Munny customs (4 inches) for the Munnyworld Megacontest organized by Kidrobot. They're now online on the contest's website, and everyone can see them  and "like" them on page 3 (scrolling down to the middle of the page). At the end of may, Kidrobot will reveal the main winner and the winners of each category (click here).

Our designs are: "Sand snake's dinner" (an "unlucky Munny"), "Living City", "Apartment Bat", "Vampirized" (another "unlucky Munny"), "Cupboard dweller", "Munny's Freedom" (the marionette Munny) and "Concrete cleaner".

(click on the images to enlarge them)


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