Seed of Triumph

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012 0 komentar
I know it's been a while, and there's been a serious lack of wallpapers posted in recent months. Which is why I put a little extra effort into this one!

The newest wallpaper features a quote by Og Mandino, and I find it especially motivating. There's a lot to learn in this world, and there are a number of challenges to face. 

I hand-drew the rose in this wallpaper, and one of the versions has a date added to it. I've decided to do a monthly quote thing – meaning new wallpapers every month! As long as I have the time to do this. If not, I'll make up for it the next month. 

I know some people may find the date at the top an eyesore – which is why there are two versions of this – one with a month, and one without. This is also partly because it's already mid-March... Use the one you prefer, as long as it provides a little motivation to your day. :)

Seed of Triumph (March 2012)

Seed of Triumph (General)

As always, thank you for all your support! The supporters of this blog are what keeps me going, and without you I would be nothing. This blog is everything it is because of those who visit it often and give their feedback, and there is nothing I appreciate more than that. 
Judul: Seed of Triumph
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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